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Gauging NOTCH1 Activation in Cancer Using Immunohistochemistry

Figure 1

Validation of IHC staining of NICD1 using formalin FPE tumor xenografts.

Sections were stained for NICD1 using an IHC method that produces a brown nuclear stain and counterstained with hematoxylin. A) KOPT-K1 T-ALL cells. B) REC-1 mantle cell lymphoma cells. C) HCC1599 breast carcinoma cells. D) MB-157 breast carcinoma cells. E, F) KOPT-K1 and REC-1 cell staining, respectively, in tissues harvested from animals treated with the GSI DBZ. G) MAVER-1 mantle cell lymphoma cells. H) HCC1587 breast cancer cells. Genotypes of these cell lines are given in Table 1.

Figure 1
