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PPARβ Regulates Liver Regeneration by Modulating Akt and E2f Signaling

Figure 5

Gene expression of key metabolic enzymes involved in glycolysis in wild-type (WT) and PPARβ-null (KO) mice after PH.

(A) Glucose metabolism pathway. Major metabolic enzymes and intermediates are shown. Genes identified by RNA-sequencing and confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR are shaded; the number after each gene name means the ratio of gene expression of WT/KO. Biological pathway analysis was performed by using GenMAPP Pathway ( Hepatic gene expression levels of (B) Hk2, (C) Gpi1, (D) Pfkl, (E) Adloc, (F) Gapdhs, (G) Pgk1, (H) Pgm1, (I) Eno1, and (J) Pklr in WT and KO mice over a time course from 0 to 72 hours after PH (n = 3). Means ± SD are graphed. * p<0.05.

Figure 5
