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Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Pathway Supports Cancer Cell Growth during Cancer Radiotherapy

Figure 3

Effects of SHH signaling antagonists on dying cell induced tumor cell repopulation.

A. GDC0449, a preclinical SHH pathway inhibitor, inhibits Panc1Fluc cell growth induced by dying Panc1 cell in a dose-dependent manner. Top: signal intensity analysis from bioluminescence image; Bottom: representative bioluminescence images; scale bar represents 1 cm. *represents P<0.05. B. Gant61 inhibits Panc1Fluc cells growth induced by dying Panc1 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Top: signal intensity analysis from bioluminescence image; Bottom: representative bioluminescence images; scale bar represents 1 cm. **represents P<0.01. C. Cyclopamin inhibits HT29Fluc cell growth induced by dying HT29 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Top: signal intensity analysis from bioluminescence image; Bottom: representative bioluminescence images; scale bar represents 1 cm. *represents P<0.05, **represents P<0.01. D. Gant61 inhibits HT29Fluc cell growth induced by dying HT29 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Top: signal intensity analysis from bioluminescence image; Bottom: representative bioluminescence images; scale bar represents 1 cm. **represents P<0.01. E. GDC0449 inhibits HT29 Fluc cell growth induced by dying HT29 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Top: signal intensity analysis from bioluminescence image; Bottom: representative bioluminescence images; scale bar represents 1 cm.

Figure 3
