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The Effects of p38 MAPK Inhibition Combined with G-CSF Administration on the Hematoimmune System in Mice with Irradiation Injury

Figure 5

Effects of SB and/or G-CSF treatment on BM HSCs.

Mice were treated with ip injection of vehicle (V), SB 203580 (SB), G-CSF (CSF), or both (C+S) after exposure to 6Gy TBI as described in the Methods. A group of sham-irradiated control mice was included as a control (Ctr). The BM cells were collected after the mice were euthanized 10 days and 30 days after 6Gy TBI and analyzed for LSK cells and HSCs by flow cytometry. The cell numbers were calculated using the following formula: cell numbers/femur = BMMNCs/femur×percentage of positive cells. (A) A representative gating strategy for flow cytometric analysis of LSK cells and HSCs; (B) numbers of LSK cells; (C) numbers of LT-HSCs (CD34LSK cells); and (D) numbers of ST-HSCs (CD34+LSK cells). The data are expressed as mean± SD (n = 5). a, p<0.05, vs. Ctr; b, p<0.05, vs. V; c, p<0.05, vs. CSF; d, p<0.05, vs. SB.

Figure 5
