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A Hypomorphic Lsd1 Allele Results in Heart Development Defects in Mice

Figure 7

Immunohistochemistry of the hypomorphic hearts.

(A) Staining with an antibody specific for the phosphorylation of E-cadherin is strongly increased in the Aof22lox/2lox hearts compared to the control. The arrows indicate the regions (grey for heart wall, black for septum) from which the higher magnification images (on right) originate. (B) β-catenin localization is altered, with more of the protein present at the plasma membrane in Aof22lox/2lox hearts. (C) Lsd1 staining shows slightly decreased signals in Aof22lox/2lox hearts. (D) Staining with a non-specific IgG control antibody confirms the specificity of the staining. To minimize background, no counterstain was used. All photomicrographs constitute representative fields; magnification factor is provided above or beside the photographs.

Figure 7
