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BRAHMA ATPase of the SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Acts as a Positive Regulator of Gibberellin-Mediated Responses in Arabidopsis

Figure 2

GA responses of the brm-1 mutant.

(A, B), Elongation of brm-1 hypocotyls and roots in response to 1 µM GA4. Plants were grown on ½ MS medium for 8 days under long-days conditions in the presence or absence of 1 µM GA4. GA application caused considerable elongation of the hypocotyls, but had little effect on brm-1 root growth. Bar = 5 mm. (B), Hypocotyl length of plants grown as in A. Presented data are the means of 12 measurements ± s.d. (C), Flowering of brm-1 plants in response to exogenous gibberellins. Plants were grown in soil under short-day conditions and treated with 10 µM GA3. At least 15 plants of each line/condition were scored. Data are the means ± s.d. Asterisks indicate significant differences from the wild type plants (p<0.01).

Figure 2
