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Functional Analysis of the α-1,3-Glucan Synthase Genes agsA and agsB in Aspergillus nidulans: AgsB Is the Major α-1,3-Glucan Synthase in This Fungus

Figure 4

Expression of cell wall–related genes in the control (CNT) and CagsB strains.

Strains were grown in CD liquid medium (agsB-repressing conditions) or CDTF liquid medium (agsB-inducing conditions) at 37°C. Levels of transcription of the indicated genes were determined by means of quantitative RT-PCR of total RNA using the gene-specific primers reported previously by Fujioka et al. [10] (Table S1). Each value represents the ratio of expression relative to the histone H2B gene in each strain. Bars represent the standard error of the mean calculated for at least three replicates (*P<0.05, **P<0.01).

Figure 4
