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Dopamine Transporter Loss in 6-OHDA Parkinson’s Model Is Unmet by Parallel Reduction in Dopamine Uptake

Figure 7

Monoamine content in operationally matched 6-OHDA lesioned rats at >70% TH protein loss.

Representation of relative impact of our 6-OHDA lesion protocol on monoamine tissue content (expressed as ng monoamine per mg protein) in striatum with at least 70% confirmed loss of dopamine (top panel). As shown in the middle panel, there was no loss of NE in the 6-OHDA lesion method employed, but there was a trend toward a decrease in 5-HT (bottom panel). Statistics: DA, ***p<0.0001, t = 10.87. n = 7 paired observations for all monoamines.

Figure 7
