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Dopamine Transporter Loss in 6-OHDA Parkinson’s Model Is Unmet by Parallel Reduction in Dopamine Uptake

Figure 6

Norepinephrine Transporter (NET) striatal protein expression and function in 6-OHDA lesioned rats at >70% TH protein loss. A

. NET protein expression. Quantification of NET showed that NET was significantly increased in lesioned striatum compared to its matched non-lesioned control. Statsitics: NET, *p<.05, t = 3.251, n = 4 paired observations. B. Representative western blot of NET expression. Relative expression of NET (∼80 kDa band) between contralateral, control, striatum (C) and 6-OHDA-lesioned striatum (L). C. Increased NET function in 6-OHDA lesioned striatum. Desipramine (DMI)-mediated inhibition of [3H] NE uptake between contralateral (control) and lesioned striatum (mean TH loss = 66%). Statistics p<0.05, t = 3.127, n = 3 observations.

Figure 6
