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Dopamine Transporter Loss in 6-OHDA Parkinson’s Model Is Unmet by Parallel Reduction in Dopamine Uptake

Figure 2

Dopamine uptake profiles per equal synaptosomal protein related to percent loss of tyrosine hydroxylase. A.

DA uptake with TH loss at 30–60%. Statistics, p = 0.055, one-tailed paired t-test of 6 matched observations in synaptosomes prepared from striatum ∼9 days following mfb 6-OHDA lesion. TH loss was confirmed in a tissue fraction during synaptosome preparation. B. DA uptake with TH loss at 30–60% at 70–99% loss. Statistics, p<0.05, one-tailed paired t-test of 26 matched observations in synaptosomes prepared from striatum ∼9 days following mfb 6-OHDA lesion. TH loss was confirmed in a tissue fraction during synaptosome preparation. C. Representative western blot depicting TH loss. TH loss by the 6-OHDA lesion (L) is shown versus quantity in contralateral striatum (C) and interpolation by accompanying standard curve of TH protein (0.5 to 2.0 ng TH). Associated Ponceau stain (below TH bands) on same blot before TH antibody blotting demonstrates similar striatal protein loading.

Figure 2
