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A Novel Mouse Model for Multiple Myeloma (MOPC315.BM) That Allows Noninvasive Spatiotemporal Detection of Osteolytic Disease

Figure 5

Flow cytometry and histology of MOPC315.BM DsRed cells injected i.v. in C.B-17 SCID (5×106) and BALB/c mice (1×106).

(A) Upper left: Flow cytometric histograms of MOPC315.BM DsRed cells (solid line) and as a control MOPC315.BM cells (dashed line). Flow cytometry from a representative paraplegic C.B-17 SCID mouse. Upper right: Femur cells (solid line) and normal femur (dashed line). Lower right: spleen (solid line) and normal spleen (dashed line). The average and standard deviations for each organ are shown on each plot. Backgrounds in a non-injected mouse (to the right of the vertical line) were for femur 1.34% and spleen 1.68%. (B) I: H&E staining from a femur of a paraplegic BALB/c mouse. II: Fluorescence microscopy of sections of same femur. III: Femur from a mouse injected with non-fluorescent MOPC315.BM (control).

Figure 5
