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Assessing the Congruence of Thermal Niche Estimations Derived from Distribution and Physiological Data. A Test Using Diving Beetles

Figure 2

Potential distribution maps.

Grey surface represents the area that is predicted as potential distribution only using climatic data from occurrences; light green surface represents the area that is predicted as potential distribution only using physiological tolerance; dark green surface represents the potential area shared by the two procedures (i.e. areas where both methods overlap). For each species, the combined potential distribution (CPD) using both methods is represented as the sum of the three colours. Red points indicate occupied localities. A: D. algibensis; B: D. angusi; C: D. aubei aubei; D: D. bicostatus; E: D. depresicollis; F: D. fairmairei; G: D. hispanicus; H: D. latus; I: D. mazzoldi; J: D. opatrinus; K: D. semirufus; L: D. wewalkai.

Figure 2
