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DIDS Prevents Ischemic Membrane Degradation in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons by Inhibiting Matrix Metalloproteinase Release

Figure 3

DIDS does not prevent pathology-induced neuronal MMP-2 or -9 protein expression.

IS or STS treatment increase neuronal MMP-2 and -9 protein expression, and these changes are unaffected by co-treatment with DIDS. (A&B) Summaries of immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis, and (C&D), sample confocal IHC fluorescent images of neurons stained positive for MMP-2 (A&C) and MMP-9 (B&D) (green fluorescence). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue) for co-localization analysis. Arrows indicate representative MMP+ staining. Summary data is presented as the percentage of MMP+ cells relative to the total number of neurons in each experiment (as determined by DAPI fluorescence). Data are mean ±SEM from 3–5 separate 6-hr experiments. Asterisks (*) indicate significant difference from normoxic controls (p<0.05). Treatments as per Fig. 1 caption.

Figure 3
