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Hypoxia-Induced Alternative Splicing in Endothelial Cells

Figure 3

Hypoxia-dependent alternative exon inclusion.

A) Scheme of alternative splicing of cassette exons. Introns are represented as black lines; constitutive exons as grey boxes and the cassette exon as white box. Primers are indicated as arrows and span the alternatively spliced exon. Cassette exons in cask (B), sptan1 (C) and pign (D) are more often skipped under hypoxic then under normoxic conditions. Radioactive RT-PCR: N = normoxia, H = hypoxia, M = DNA size ladder. The precentage of exon inclusion is given below. SD = standard deviation. qRT-PCR: closed bars = normoxia, open bars = hypoxia. Two isoform specific forward primer (i1 and i2) spanning the exon/exon borders and one common reverse primer (i1/2) were used. Expression is normalized to rplp0. Results from n = 3 experiments are shown. * = p-value<0.05, ** = p-value<0.01 (Student's t-test).

Figure 3
