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Cooperative Interaction between the MUC1-C Oncoprotein and the Rab31 GTPase in Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Cells

Figure 7

Expression of Rab31 in human breast cancers.

A. Analysis of Rab31 mRNA levels in the GSE5764 dataset from 23 normal breast tissues and 10 breast tumors. The results are expressed as the relative Rab31 mRNA levels based on the normalization values in the dataset. B. Analysis of MUC1 mRNA (left) and Rab31 mRNA (right) levels in the GSE5460 dataset from 76 ER+ and 53 ER− breast tumors. Normalized microarray data were separated into ER+ and ER- groups. C and D. Analysis of MUC1 mRNA (left), Rab31 mRNA (middle) and co-expression levels (right) in the Loi dataset (C, 262 ER+ and 45 ER− breast tumors) and van de Vijver dataset (D, 226 ER+ and 69 ER− breast tumors). E. Analysis of Rab31 and MUC1 mRNA co-expression levels in 147 ER+ breast tumors (left). Percentage overall survival for patients with Rab31-positive versus Rab31-negative breast tumors (right; Chanrion dataset).

Figure 7
