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Associations between Ionomic Profile and Metabolic Abnormalities in Human Population

Figure 1

The overweight/obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes related ion network. A.

The overweight/obesity related ion network; B. The metabolic syndrome related ion network; C. The type 2 diabetes related ion network. The size of node represents the combined Fisher score of significant combinations involve a specific ion, which indicates the strength of ion module in association with metabolic disorders. The width of the edge represents the Fisher score of edge between connected ions, which indicates the possibility of forming an ion module associated with metabolic disorders. Three ion patterns were postulated when comparing the rank of ion effect in individual and in network associated with metabolic disorders. “Individual ion” was defined as the rank of ion in the network posterior to that of single ion. “Module ion” was defined as the rank of ion in network prior to that of single ion. “Module-individual ion” was defined as the rank of ion in network equivalent to that of single ion.

Figure 1
