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Density-Dependent Processes in the Life History of Fishes: Evidence from Laboratory Populations of Zebrafish Danio rerio

Figure 1

Average total length and density changes of zebrafish in different colonies over 20 day time periods.

Starting density and average length for fish in each colony is denoted by the closed circle (•). The final density and average length of the fish for each colony is denoted by the end of the line. The gradient of each line denotes the mortality over 20 days, the shallower the gradient the higher the mortality (note the logarithmic scaled x axis). The vertical length of each line denotes the increase in average length of the zebrafish within colonies; the longer lines (vertically) denote higher individual growth rates. For example, the replicate with a starting density of 2 and a starting average fish body length of 7.4 mm, had a density of 2 (no mortality) and an average fish body length of 15.1 mm after 20 days. Lm denotes the length at maturity determined from the earliest egg production in the experiment.

Figure 1
