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Leaf Trait-Environment Relationships in a Subtropical Broadleaved Forest in South-East China

Figure 4

Principal component analysis (PCA) analysing the covariation of all 26 traits across all 122 species.

Biplot of PCA scores of the first and second axis. For species codes see Appendix Table S1. Abbreviations of traits: LM = Leaf margin entire, LP = Leaf pinnation, LH = Evergreen leaf habit, FW = Leaf fresh weight, DW = Leaf dry weight, LA = Leaf area, SLA = Specific leaf area, LDMC = Leaf dry matter content, C = Leaf carbon content, N = Leaf nitrogen content, CN = Leaf carbon nitrogen ratio, P = Leaf phosphorous content, K = Leaf potassium content, Ca = Leaf calcium content, Mg = Leaf magnesium content, Al = Leaf aluminium content, Ni = Leaf nickel content, Pb = Leaf lead content, Na = Leaf sodium content, Mn = Leaf manganese content, Zn = Leaf zinc content, Fe = Leaf iron content, S = Leaf sulfur content, StoD = Stomata density, StoL = Stomata length, StoW = Stomata width.

Figure 4
