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A Redox-Sensitive Luciferase Assay for Determining the Localization and Topology of Endoplasmic Reticulum Proteins

Figure 5

Determination of the transmembrane topology of HRD1.

A, B & C, The bioluminescence/fluorescence plots of the Gluc-GFP fusion forms of HRD1. HRD1 and its C-terminally truncated fragments were fused with the Gluc-GFP reporter. In the plots, the dashed lines indicate that the Gluc-GFP fusions are localized in ER or cytoplasm. Data are represented as mean ± S.D. (n = 3). Results shown are representative of three repeat experiments. D, Transmembrane topology of HRD1. The solid lines denote the cytoplasmic or ER regions, while the rectangles represent the membrane-spanning regions. The residues pointed by triangles indicate the truncation positions for Gluc-GFP fusions.

Figure 5
