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Differential Encoding of Factors Influencing Predicted Reward Value in Monkey Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex

Figure 7

Population results of reward proximity and amount effect.

A, Percentages of neurons that showed significant main effect of schedule level and reward amount, and interaction by ANOVA are shown. Black lines show the percentages of neurons that showed schedule level effect, red lines show reward amount effect, gray lines show interaction. Solid lines show the valid cue condition; broken lines for the random cue condition. B, Dynamics of encoding of the schedule state and the reward amount as revealed by the percentage of variance explained for each single neuron. Each line represents the percentage of variance explained in a color heat scale for both valid (upper) and random (lower) cue conditions. The data for each of the 85 (numbered 1 to 85) neurons are the data that were recorded both in the valid and random cue conditions. Neurons are sorted from top to bottom according to the number of events related to a significant response and total value of variance explained of the schedule state, therefore the order of the individual neurons is different in the left and right panels. C, Mean value of valiance explained is shown (summed from data in panel B). Same convention on color as in panel A.

Figure 7
