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Epigenetic Modulation of miR-122 Facilitates Human Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Proliferation

Figure 1

mRNA enrichment patterns and GO analysis in hESCs, HCCs and hPHs.

(A) The cluster dendogram shows the similarity of mRNA expression patterns within each cell class, while marked differences exist among stem cells (green), cancer cells (red) and differentiated hepatocytes (blue). The scale on the X axis displays the level of differences among the samples based on Pearson correlation using a 1-r distance measure. (B) Pearson correlation computation of all the samples. Coefficient values within the same color scheme distinguishes the classes of cells that were correlated: ESCs vs. ESCs (green), ESCs vs. HCCs (brown), ESCs vs. hPHs (dark green), HCCs vs. HCCs (orange), HCCs vs. hPHs (purple) and hPHs vs. hPHs (blue). (C) Average correlation values from each color category from Figure 1B. (D) The data generated from the mRNA expression arrays were normalized, log2-transformed, categorized as “enriched” based on an enrichment parameter set at log2 value of 7.0 or higher. The enriched genes are distributed according to the Venn diagram. The three circles represent hESCs (green), hPHs (blue), and HCCs (orange). GO functional annotation clusters were derived from mRNAs that were commonly enriched in HCCs and hESCs (367), and HCCs and hPHs (249). The clusters were ranked according to the EASE scores of each term, and the top 20 clusters are listed in the tables. For each cluster, the GO term with the lowest P-value is shown as a representative functional term. The columns list the cluster ID, the enrichment score, GO ID of each term, P-value, fold enrichment, and the false discovery rate (FDR) of each term. Boxed in red are GO terms describing cell cycle regulation.

Figure 1
