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Increase in Th17 and T-reg Lymphocytes and Decrease of IL22 Correlate with the Recovery Phase of Acute EAE IN Rat

Figure 4

Dynamics of Th17 cells.

A) Representative dot-plots of CD4+RORγ+ cells in the different phases along EAE evolution. Dot-plots were obtained after gating in the population of CD3+ T-cells. Different quadrants were defined by application of the appropriate isotype control. A minimum of three animals per group was pooled and three replicates per score were analyzed. The total number and percentage of CD4+RORγ+ cells along the different phases of EAE are represented in histogrammes B and C, respectively. Note that during the recovery and the post-recovery phases, from score 1R, a great increase in the subpopulation of CD4+RORγ+ cells was observed (ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test, *p≤0.001 with respect to the previous score). DF) Photographs of double immunolabelled sections showing a representative CD4+RORγ+ cell (arrow) observed around blood vessels (BV). Bar scale = 30 µm.

Figure 4
