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Remodeling of Actin Cytoskeleton in Mouse Periosteal Cells under Mechanical Loading Induces Periosteal Cell Proliferation during Bone Formation

Figure 2

Stress induced in the long-pulse mode induced cell proliferation in the periosteum.

Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained histological sections of the side opposite to the loading point in the long-pulse group at days 1, 3, 5, and 7 after loading to the left tibia. In the right tibia, used as the control, the periosteum consisted of a thin layer (A). In the left tibia treated in the long-pulse mode, periosteal hypertrophy (purple colored nuclei) first occurred at day 1 (B), and became prominent at day 3 (C). The woven bone (pale pink color) first appeared at day 5 (D) and became prominent at day 7 (E). CB, cortical bone; PL, periosteal cell layer; WB, woven bone; Scale bar, 50 µm. A representative result from 4 individual experiments is shown.

Figure 2
