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The Balloon Analog Insurance Task (BAIT): A Behavioral Measure of Protective Risk Management

Figure 1

Task structure for one trial of the BAIT.

A) At the beginning of each trial, the participant indicates how much insurance they would like to purchase for that trial. Additionally, they see how many pumps will be required for the current trial (here it is 65), and the number of pumps for the last popped balloon (here it was 80). B) After purchasing insurance, the participant is instructed to begin pumping up the balloon. C) The participant continues to pump up the balloon until the required number of pumps has been reached. D) After the required number of pumps has been reached, the balloon either explodes or the participant is instructed to click on the “Collect $$$" box to collect the money acquired from that trial. In this example, the balloon did not pop.

Figure 1
