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AP-1 Is a Component of the Transcriptional Network Regulated by GSK-3 in Quiescent Cells

Figure 7

Model of the GSK-3 transcriptional network in quiescent cells.

The AP-1 data has been combined with that of CREB [10] and NFκB [12]. Both grey and black arrows indicate ChIP binding by the given factor to the gene's upstream sequence. Black arrows indicate that siRNA against the factor blocked induction of the gene in response to SB-216763 treatment greater than two-fold and statistically significant (p<0.05). The blunt-ended edge between AP-1 and NR4A1 indicates a greater than two-fold inhibition (p<0.05) of induction in the presence of AP-1. RND3 and CCL8 have been excluded from the illustration, as no ChIP binding nor transcription factor knockdown data indicated any functional connections with AP-1, NFκB or CREB.

Figure 7
