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Inter-Plant Vibrational Communication in a Leafhopper Insect

Figure 2

Signal properties measured on leaves with discontinuous substrate (Test 2).

Mean (±SE) values of maximum substrate vibration velocity (mm/s) (A, logarithmic scale) and frequency (Hz) (B) of pulses from MCS (Male calling signal) are shown. While substrate velocity progressively decreased (Jonckheere test: J0 = 5.93, P<0.001) with the distance between leaves, the frequency increased (J0 = 2.29, P = 0.011). Nat: MCS emitted by natural male recorded on the same leaf; LL: MCS emitted by playback recorded on the same leaf; 0.5–11: MCS emitted on the lower leaf and recorded from the upper leaf with a progressive gap width of 0.5–11 cm.

Figure 2
