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Unstable Maternal Environment, Separation Anxiety, and Heightened CO2 Sensitivity Induced by Gene-by-Environment Interplay

Figure 4

Respiratory responses to air, 10%O2, or 6%CO2 in CT and RCF subjects at different ages.

Percentage of tidal volume changes from baseline (ΔTV%) for: a) 16–20 day-old pups in response to normal air, 10% O2, or 6% CO2. The ANOVA-R carried out on two consecutive respiratory challenges (as depicted in Figure 1) indicated a significant effect of: 1) treatment (type of air mixture): F2,58 = 91.30, p = 0.000001, 2) time: F1,58 = 4.34, p<0.05, and 3) an interaction effect of postnatal manipulation-by-type of air mixture: F2,58 = 9.99, p<0.0002); Tukey HSD post-hoc test p<0.001; b) 75–90 day-old adult mice in response to normal air or 6% CO2. The ANOVA-R carried out on two consecutive respiratory challenges (as depicted in Figure 1) indicated a significant effect of: 1) treatment (type of air mixture): F1,71 = 184.83, p = 0.00001, 2) time: F1,72 = 35.12, p = 0.00001 and 3) an interaction effect of postnatal manipulation-by-type of air mixture F1,71 = 6.60, p = 0.012). Tukey HSD post-hoc test p<0.001. Sample sizes varied between 9 and 13 animals per group. Only the responses to the first of two consecutive challenges performed for each subject with the same air mixture (air/10% O2/6% CO2) are shown in Figure 4 for the sake of conciseness.

Figure 4
