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The Brain as a Distributed Intelligent Processing System: An EEG Study

Figure 7

The experiment.

Two networked microcomputers were used to record the EEG activity (10/20 system) while the individual is solving a specific cognitive task. The beginning of each task and the moment a decision is made are saved in the database together with the type of decision-making (D) and time required (response time ST) to achieve such decision. The linear correlation coefficients ri,j for the recorded activity at each recording electrode ei, with reference to the recorded activity for each other 19 recording sites ej, were calculated for each game (COG) performed by a given subject. These ri,j were used to calculate the correlation entropy h(ei) for each recording electrode ei. In this way, h(ei) was calculated for all 20 recoding electrodes. The corresponding values of h(ei) constitute the Entropy Data Base. Regression analysis between RT and h(ei) was used to build the cognitive mapping. Each mapping shows the contribution βi hm(ei) of each electrode ei to ST. hm(ei) is the average of h(ei) calculated for all subjects. IQs values of each subject were added to each corresponding data base record.

Figure 7
