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Thrombin Induces Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Release and Upregulation in Urothelium: A Possible Contribution to Bladder Inflammation

Figure 2

MIF and PAR1 immunostaining in urothelial cells.

Representative samples from MIF, PAR1 immunostaining and an overlay showing both and nuclear staining (DAPI; blue). UROtsa cells displayed MIF (A) and PAR1 (B) immunostaining simultaneously in the same cell (C; overlay). However, a number of cells were observed that displayed neither immunostaining (C; arrows) and only showed nuclear staining. Control slides where primary antisera had been omitted (D;E) showed only nuclear staining (F). In rat urothelium, MIF immunostaining was detected in basal and intermediate cells with surface cells displaying weak or no MIF immunofluorescence. PAR1 immunostaining was also observed in rat urothelium, mainly on basal cells but also in some intermediate cells (H) while surface cells showed no PAR1 staining. Overlay of the single staining panels showed that basal cells and some intermediate cells were positive for both MIF and PAR1. Calibration bar = 20 m.

Figure 2
