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A Clathrin Independent Macropinocytosis-Like Entry Mechanism Used by Bluetongue Virus-1 during Infection of BHK Cells

Figure 8

During entry BTV-1 is delivered directly to LAMP-1 positive compartments.

BTV-1 was pre-bound to BHK cells and then internalised for 15, 30, or 120 minutes and the cells processed for confocal microscopy using PM10 to detect input virus (green). Panels A–F: Alexa-568 labelled transferrin was added to the cells during the final 15 minutes of virus uptake, to label early and re-cycling endosomes. Panels (A) and (D) show transferrin uptake. Panel (B) and (E) show virus uptake. Panel (C) and (F) show merged images for the same cells. Alternatively, cells were double labelled for BTV-1 and LAMP-1. Panels (G) and (J) shows labelling for LAMP-1. Panel (H) and (K) show virus uptake. Panel (I) and (L) show merged images for the same cells. Yellow indicate areas of co-localisation. The cell nuclei are shown as blue. Scale bar = 10 µm.

Figure 8
