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HPV Infection and EGFR Activation/Alteration in HIV-Infected East African Patients with Conjunctival Carcinoma

Figure 1

Prevalence of high-risk HPV genotypes in conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma by real-time RQ PCR assay.

Tumor DNA extraction was performed using Pico Pure DNA Extraction kit. The viral DNA of 4 HPV genotypes were determined using a TaqMan-based real-time quantitative PCR analysis. Type-specific primers and probes for HPV types 16, 18, 52 and 59 were selected to target genome segments of the E6/E7 region and synthesized by Applied Biosystems. RNase-P as endogenous control for each sample (in duplicate) was applied in this assay. Amplification results from the endogenous control were used to normalize the amplification results from the target HPV types. Finally, Ct, ΔCt, ΔΔCt, RQ and gene expression plots were generated by the ABI 7500 Fast System SDS Software (Version 1.4).

Figure 1
