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The Lysyl Oxidase Inhibitor, β-Aminopropionitrile, Diminishes the Metastatic Colonization Potential of Circulating Breast Cancer Cells

Figure 2

Growth of MDA-MB-231-Luc2 metastasis and the effects of BAPN treatment.

Bioluminescence imaging was performed 2 times per week starting on day 7 after intracardiac injection of tumor cells. Representative dorsal images of control and BAPN-treated mice are shown from 7 to 21 d post-injection (A). Images for days 7–10, and days 14 to 21 are shown with different sensitivity color scale bars, reflecting the rapid growth rate of metastases. Scales are in photons/s/cm2. Whole body luminescence, a measure of tumor burden, for the different groups is shown as a function of time (B); note the need for a log scale owing to the rapid growth of the tumors. BAPN treatment was initiated at the indicated times and then continued daily thereafter until day 21. (C) Whole body bioluminescence at day 7 post-cell injection was quantified as mean photons/s±SEM. Whole body tumor bioluminescence at day 21 (D) was quantified as mean photons/s±SEM. For both (B) and (C), n = 10 for each of ‘no BAPN’ and for ‘BAPN d 7’ groups, and n = 5 for ‘BAPN d −1’ and for ‘BAPN d 0’ groups. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (* P<0.05;** P<0.01; *** P<0.001).

Figure 2
