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The Spatial and Temporal Construction of Confidence in the Visual Scene

Figure 2

Correlations and Dissociations between objective and subjective reports.

A) Confidence reports were grouped in four percentile groups of confidence (25, 50, 75 and 100% - blue, orange, yellow and green traces) for each individual session and participant. B) Subjective confidence distribution for incorrect responses (black dotted line). The blue and green traces indicate the low-confidence and high-confidence error trials. C) Distance between the responded letter and the cue when the responded letter was a distractor for high- confidence (green) and low-confidence (blue) errors. The inset shows that this distribution does not change for short and long ISIs. D) Mean performance increased with subject's confidence report. At low confidence, responses were more accurate for short ISI values. E and F) Control experiment in which subjects reported in two subsequent screens the confidence in the position of the seen letter relative to the cue and of the identity of the seen letter for correct (E) and error (F) trials.

Figure 2
