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How geographic access to care shapes disease burden: The current impact of post-exposure prophylaxis and potential for expanded access to prevent human rabies deaths in Madagascar

Fig 5

Spatial variation in predicted incidence of human rabies deaths per 100,000 persons.

(A) for each district (y-axis) in Madagascar. Diamonds show the predicted incidence for the district model and squares show predicted incidence for the commune model fit to the National data for all communes in a given district. Points are colored and districts ordered by travel times. The vertical lines show the average national incidence of human rabies deaths for the commune (grey) and district (black) models. Incidence mapped to the (B) commune- and (C) district-level from the respective models; grey X’s show locations of current clinics provisioning PEP. Mapped administrative boundaries from OCHA via HDX (, CC-BY-IGO).

Fig 5
