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CXCR3 chemokine receptor guides Trypanosoma cruzi-specific T-cells triggered by DNA/adenovirus ASP2 vaccine to heart tissue after challenge

Fig 3

Anti-CXCR3 treatment did not alter the cytokine production by specific CD8+ T cells.

Specific CD8+ T cells from the spleen were labeled using the dextramer H2KK-TEWETGQI and anti-CD8+ antibody. To measure cytokine production, splenocytes from βgal+T.cruzi, ASP2+T.cruzi, and ASP2+αCXCR3+T.cruzi were stimulated for 12 hours with TEWETGQI peptide of T. cruzi. a-Dot-plots show the frequency of specific H2KK-TEWETGQI CD8+ T cells in the spleen from each group. b-The frequency and absolute number of specific CD8+ T cells in the spleen of βgal+T.cruzi, ASP2+T.cruzi, and ASP2+αCXCR3+T.cruzi groups were quantified. c-The bar graph represents the percentage of CD8+ T cells expressing each individual molecule or the combinations after ex vivo stimulation (CD107a, IFN-γ and/or TNF-α). Boolean analysis was performed using FlowJo software, version 8.4. d-ELISpot graph with the number of IFN-γ producing cells. SFC = Spot-Forming Cell. Results are representative of two independent experiments with the mean ± SD of each individual group (n = 3). Statistical analysis was performed using the One-Way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD tests. Symbols indicate that the values observed were significantly different between the groups (*p = 0,0002; **p<0.05; #p = 0,001; ζp<0,0001; ζζp<0,05) and n.s means no significant.

Fig 3
