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Unveil the transcriptional landscape at the Cryptococcus-host axis in mice and nonhuman primates

Fig 2

RNA-Seq of mice and monkeys infected with C. neoformans.

(A) Back temperature was used to indicate body temperature in monkeys and that was measured every 24 hours following infection. (B) Histopathology studies of infected mouse and monkey lung tissues fixed and sectioned at 10 μm thickness, then stained with mucicarmine. Cryptococcus neoformans cells are indicated by red arrows (scale bar = 50 μm). (C)Cryptococcus neoformans colony forming units (CFUs) in mouse and monkey brain tissues. Infected brain samples were homogenized and plated onto YPD agar plates. Five random monkey brain samples were pooled to maximize detection of fungal cells. The YPD agar plates were incubated at 30°C for 3 days. Fungal cell colonies were counted, and CFUs were calculated. (D) Volcano plots of detected transcripts. Normalized transcripts from infected mouse lung and brain tissues and infected monkey lung tissues are plotted. When transcript changes are at least 2-fold with p-adj < 0.05, the genes were considered significantly differentially expressed. Red dots indicate induced transcripts, and green dots indicate repressed transcripts. The numbers of differentially expressed transcripts are indicated.

Fig 2
