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Aminopeptidase secreted by Chromobacterium sp. Panama inhibits dengue virus infection by degrading the E protein

Fig 4

Aminopeptidase secreted by C. sp. Panama induces DENV E protein degradation, thereby inhibiting viral entry.

(A) Protein sequence alignment of CSPP0261 and orthologs in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Paer, UniProt: P14756) and Vibrio proteolyticus (Vpro, UniProt: Q00971). Conserved active and metal binding sites highlighted in blue (in both orthologs) and red (in P. aeruginosa ortholog). (B) Protein sequence alignment of CSPP0262 and ortholog in Vibrio proteolyticus. Conserved active and metal binding sites highlighted in blue (Vpro, UniProt: Q01693). (C) Western blot (anti-E-DENV) of DENV2 proteins when exposed to the culture supernatant of C. sp. Panama with or without supplementation with 10 μM bestatin or 100 μM phosphoramidon (P-ramidon). (D) DENV titers in BHK-21 cells following incubation of the virus with the C. sp. Panama culture supernatant with or without supplementation with 10 μM bestatin or 100 μM phosphoramidon (P-ramidon); significance determined using unpaired t-tests (ns, not significant; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001). Raw underlying data available in S2 Table.

Fig 4
