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Host gene expression analysis in Sri Lankan melioidosis patients

Fig 2

Relative expression of genes involved in immune responses and epigenetic regulation in melioidosis patients compared to patients with sepsis infections caused by other pathogens, in relation to duration of fever/clinical symptoms and antibiotics treatment.

Differential gene expression in PBMC’s from melioidosis patients with ≤15 days of fever (n = 4), melioidosis patients with >15 days of fever (n = 25), melioidosis patients with ≤15 days of treatment with antibiotics (n = 15), melioidosis patients with >15 days of treatment with antibiotics (n = 12) compared to sepsis controls (n = 10), did not change significantly due to the duration of fever or duration of treatment with antibiotics. Expression levels were normalized against 18S rRNA. Relative expression ratio based on efficiency corrected delta delta Ct values presented as log values to the base 2, >1.5 considered up regulated and ≤0.5 considered as down regulation, with P<0.05 considered statistically significant.

Fig 2
