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Long Term Streptomycin Toxicity in the Treatment of Buruli Ulcer: Follow-up of Participants in the BURULICO Drug Trial

Figure 1

Hearing thresholds of adults at long term follow-up.

Mean hearing thresholds of adults (16 or older at the time of treatment) in dB averaged over both ears. The shaded area represents the area used in understanding human speech (Pascoe, 1980) [37]. SR8 = participants in the 8 week Streptomycin/Rifampicin group. SR4/CR4 = participants in the 4 week Streptomycin/Rifampicin plus 4 week Clarithromycin/Rifampicin group. The Differences between the two groups were tested with the Mann-Whitney U test, 1-tailed. * = p<0.05, ** = p<0.001.

Figure 1
