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The Predictive Diagnostic Value of Serial Daily Bedside Ultrasonography for Severe Dengue in Indonesian Adults

Figure 4

Hematocrit values in dengue patients with and without subclinical plasma leakage detected by handheld ultrasonography.

(A) Absolute hematocrit values (%) (Normal maximum hematocrit value 50% and 44% for men and women, respectively) related to the presence or absence of plasma leakage detected by handheld ultrasonography on the day of enrollment. (B) Changes in hematocrit (%) related to the presence or absence of plasma leakage during the follow up of adult Indonesian dengue patients. Plasma leakage was detected in the form of ascites or pleural effusion by daily handheld ultrasonography at the bedside performed by a clinician and by conventional ultrasonography. The black dots indicate patients who developed severe dengue characterized by shock. The horizontal continuous lines represent median values. The horizontal interrupted line represents the reference value for hematocrit change (normally <20% change) P-values were determined by unpaired t-test for hematocrit values and by Mann Whitney U test for hematocrit changes. * p value<0.05; ** p value<0.01.

Figure 4
