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Child maltreatment mediates the relationship between HIV/AIDS family dysfunction trajectories and psychosocial problems among adolescents

Fig 1

Hypothesized model.

A mediation model of association between HIV/AIDS family dysfunction trajectories and psychosocial problems through child maltreatment. a1, a2, and a3 = the relative effects of orphanhood by AIDS, orphanhood by other causes, and living with HIV/AIDS infected parents, respectively, relative to the intact family group, on child abuse. b = the association between child maltreatment and psychosocial problems after controlling for covariates. c1, c2, and c3 = relative total effects of orphanhood by AIDS, orphanhood by other causes, and living with HIV/AIDS infected parents, respectively, relative to the intact family group, on child maltreatment after controlling for covariates. c’1, c’2, and c’3 = relative direct effects orphanhood by AIDS, orphanhood by other causes, and living with HIV/AIDS infected parents/caregiver, respectively, relative to the intact family group, on child maltreatment after controlling for relevant covariates.

Fig 1
