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Unraveling the genetics of arsenic toxicity with cellular morphology QTL

Fig 2

HCS Features are Influenced by MMAIII Concentration and Genetic Background.

(A) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the raw image analysis feature dataset colored by the concentration of MMAIII. Among known factors, MMAIII concentration was correlated with PC1 (41.54%). (B) Boxplot showing the aggregated results from variance component analysis (VCA) performed across all cellular features, including MMAIII concentration, DO cell lines (individual), each 96-well plate (plate), run (group batch), sex, and residual variation. (C) Heatmap showing the Pearson’s pairwise correlation structure of the raw cellular features. The heatmap and dendrogram were generated using the R package ComplexHeatmap’s Heatmap() function with column_split and row_split, each set to 5.

Fig 2
