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Spoink, a LTR retrotransposon, invaded D. melanogaster populations in the 1990s

Fig 4

A piRNA based defence against Spoink emerged in D. melanogaster A) piRNAs mapping to Spoink in a strain sampled 1938 (Lausanne-S) and 2004 (I17). The transposon HMS Beagle is included as reference. Solely the 5’ positions of piRNAs are shown and the piRNA abundance is normalized to one million piRNAs. Sense piRNAs are shown on the positive y-axis and antisense piRNAs on the negative y-axis. B) Ping-pong signature for the piRNAs mapping to Spoink and HMS Beagle in the D. melanogaster strain I17 (2004).

Fig 4
