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ZmARF1 positively regulates low phosphorus stress tolerance via modulating lateral root development in maize

Fig 4

ZmARF1 regulates Pi mobilization and PSI gene expression in maize.

Pi content in (A) Root (B) Leaf of ZmARF1 overexpression lines, zmarf1 knockout mutants, and WT under HP and LP conditions. Three biological repeats were treated; more than nine plants of each genotype were used for each biological repeat. RT-qPCR analysis of (C) ZmPHR1, (D) ZmPHT1;2, and (E) ZmPHO2 in knockout mutant zmarf1 and WT under HP and LP conditions. Transcript levels of ZmPHR1, ZmPHT1;2, and ZmPHO2 were measured relative to ZmActin and ZmGADPH. The experiment was repeated three times with similar results. Means are presented as bar graphs and error bars represent standard deviation. ***, P < 0.001; ns, not significant (Student’s t test).

Fig 4
