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Rege-1 promotes C. elegans survival by modulating IIS and TOR pathways

Fig 4

Suppressing TORC1 signaling rescues survival of PA14-fed rege-1(imm070).

(A,B) PA14 survival curves of wild-type, rege-1(imm070) and (A) raga-1(ok386) and rege-1(imm070); raga-1(ok386). (B) rsks-1(tm1714) and rege-1(imm070); rsks-1(tm1714). Three replicates have been performed in all survival curves, and raw data and significance is shown in S1 Table (C) Autophagosome formation was quantified in N2 and rege-1(imm070) strains. Worms containing the gfp::lgg-1 transgene were crossed into both strains. The worms were fed with either L4440 as an RNAi control or rab-7 RNAi from the L1 larval stage, and GFP imaging was performed on day 2 of adulthood. The detailed quantification procedures are described in the Materials and Methods section. An unpaired t-test was used to quantify the difference in the amount of autophagosome formation. The white dot lines indicate an example of a cell circle for quantification.

Fig 4
