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ZFP92, a KRAB domain zinc finger protein enriched in pancreatic islets, binds to B1/Alu SINE transposable elements and regulates retroelements and genes

Fig 10

ZFP92 binds within the Sox17 locus and may regulate expression of the short form of Sox17 mRNA.

A) UCSC Genome Browser view of Sox17 locus showing ZFP92 CUT&RUN binding peak and RNA-seq reads for mRNA expression in WT and Zfp92 KO samples in Sox17 locus. The peak is highlighted in gray and covers the extended Sox17 exon 4, the boundary of which is indicated by the dashed blue line defined by the transcription start site for the short Sox17 isoform (TSS Sox17-1), and an alternative Sox17 promoter preceding it. TSS for Sox17 short (Sox17-1) and long (Sox17-2) isoforms are from the Promoters from the EPD track in the UCSC browser (GRCm38/mm10 assembly). B) qPCR on CUT&RUN chromatin samples with the primers for the Sox17 peak (extended Sox17 exon 4) shows strong enrichment at the locus. (N = 3) Error bars: ± SEM. **p≤0.01; *p≤0.05. p-value is determined by an unpaired t-test. C) RT-qPCR analysis of different Sox17 isoforms expression in testes and lung tissues of WT and Zfp92 KO mice shows an increased expression of the short Sox17 isoform. Primers specific to extended exon 4 amplify the short Sox17 isoform (short), exons 1,2 –long Sox17 isoform (long), and exons 4,5 –both isoforms (both). (N = 3) Error bars: ± SEM. **p≤0.01; *p≤0.05. p-value is determined by an unpaired t-test. D) UCSC Genome Browser view of Sox17 locus showing two distant ZFP92 binding peaks in Sox17 locus. The peaks are highlighted in gray, the distal peak is located -128kb upstream of the main peak within extended Sox17 exon 4 and lies within a conserved DNA sequence that contains a distal enhancer signature (cCRE track) (GRCm38/mm10 assembly).

Fig 10
