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Two RNA binding proteins, ADAD2 and RNF17, interact to form a heterogeneous population of novel meiotic germ cell granules with developmentally dependent organelle association

Fig 8

The large ADAD2-RNF17 granule associates with the endoplasmic reticulum.

A. Confocal imaging of the ER-marker SERCA1 and ADAD2 or RNF17 in adult wildtype testes showing SERCA1-enriched regions associate with the interior region of the large granules. Red–SERCA1, green–ADAD2 or RNF17. 1000x magnification. XY and XZ views of B. ADAD2 and SERCA1 and C. ADAD2 and PDI within a large granule. Red–SERCA1 or PDI, green–ADAD2. 1000x magnification.

Fig 8
