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Two RNA binding proteins, ADAD2 and RNF17, interact to form a heterogeneous population of novel meiotic germ cell granules with developmentally dependent organelle association

Fig 6

ADAD2 and RNF17 form a uniquely shaped granule.

High-resolution confocal of A. ADAD2 in late pachytene spermatocytes counterstained with SYCP3 demonstrating a distinct funnel shaped structure. Red–SYCP3, green–ADAD2. 1000x magnification. B. Co-localization of ADAD2 and RNF17 in wildtype testis sections. Red—RNF17, green—ADAD2, and blue–DAPI. 1000x magnification. C. Selected ADAD2-RNF17 granule (asterisk in B) with representative XZ planes demonstrating the interior of the funnel shaped structure and the relative localization of ADAD2 and RNF17. Red—RNF17, green—ADAD2, and blue—DAPI. 1000x magnification.

Fig 6
