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Two RNA binding proteins, ADAD2 and RNF17, interact to form a heterogeneous population of novel meiotic germ cell granules with developmentally dependent organelle association

Fig 3

RNF17 forms distinct granules in pachytene spermatocytes and requires ADAD2 for its localization.

RNF17 localization across spermatocyte development in A. adult wildtype testes demonstrating two phases of granule formation and two different granule types (asterisks—small granules and arrowheads–large granules) and B. Adad2M/M and Rnf17M/M mutant testes demonstrating RNF17’s reliance on ADAD2 for formation of large RNF17 granules. Roman numerals–testis tubule cross-section stage (V containing early stage pachytene spermatocytes, VII and VIII containing mid-stage pachytene spermatocytes, IX through X containing late-stage pachytene spermatocytes). Asterisks—small RNF17 granules. Green–RNF17, red–SYCP3, blue–DAPI. 400x magnification.

Fig 3
