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Robust inference of bi-directional causal relationships in presence of correlated pleiotropy with GWAS summary data

Fig 6

Empirical distributions of the estimates of the correlation ratio K for CD methods and the causal effect θ for MR method with both X and Y continuous, true θXY = 0 and θYX = 0.

The top and bottom panels show the results for ξ = 0 (i.e. no correlated pleiotropy) and ξ from a uniform distribution (i.e. with correlated pleiotropy, implying InSIDE violated), respectively. The left panels show the estimates for the causal direction of XY, while the right ones show that for YX. The horizontal dashed lines are for the true values of K or θ. The two rows of the numbers under each panel give the sample mean and standard deviation of the estimates from each method.

Fig 6
